I miss my dad on Derby Days.
Yesterday my wife and I attended the Florida Derby - the last prep race for the #kentuckyderby.
My dad taught me many things including how to handicap thoroughbred races.
To this day when I watch a big horse race I have a flash of a moment where I think I should call dad and get his advice.
Of course I can't call him because he has been gone now for 14 years.
He taught my daughters too - on his frequent visits to Saratoga Springs, NY - home of the oldest race track in the US and our home for 14 years.
He made horse racing fun for my kids and he had a tradition of giving them a each a dollar to bet whenever a rare gray horse was in the race.
So they would always bet on the gray horse.
Jump ahead to the Florida Derby (yesterday) and Marie and I decided to bet on number 6 Charge It - one of the favorites.
We had not invested any time in handicapping but had a tip and went with it.
When the horses paraded to the starting gate we both saw number 7 - White Abarrio for the first time - the magnificent gray horse in the photo.
But we had already bet and secured a good spot on the rail to watch - so we didn't trust our gut instinct and hedge our bets because the crowds were large and the betting machines seemed so far away.
The race went off and we watch Charge It take a lead coming down to the final turn.
That's when the Gray Horse made his move as number 7 White Abarrio took over after the turn, never let go of the lead and won in deciding fashion.
Always bet on the gray horse.
Always #trustyourgut .
I miss my dad today but was blessed to be his son.