When it comes to CAMEL Codes - apparently bigger IS better.
NCUA's recent data continues to show a dramatic difference in CAMEL codes based on size - as of Year End Data.
On the chart above, the circle on the left shows that only 1 percent of credit union shares are in Code 4 and Code 5s.
However the circle on the right shows that 3 percent (or 300 percent more) of credit union charters are rated a code 4 or a code 5.
The Code 3 data is even more dramatic:
Code 3s as a percentage of shares are just 2 percent, while 15 percent OF ALL CREDIT UNIONs are code 3s (750 percent more).
I fully expect the pandemic impact that will hit many credit unions will increase Code 3, 4 and 5s in both categories.
You know better than I that NCUA spends more time and energy on your credit union the worse your CAMEL code is...
How will NCUA examiners react to the pandemic impact on your Net Worth? The NCUA Board promises some relief soon.
Be ready to defend your capital plans. I have spoken to many credit union clients and leaders that find this is proving to be a challenging discussion to have with NCUA these days. I recommend you carefully watch what each NCUA Board member says relative to this -- whenever they act on the PCA and Net Worth relief. Let's hope it happens at the next board meeting later this month.
If you are currently dealing with or thinking about your CAMEL rating, or:
An examination that did not go as well as you deserved
An examination that is in process right now
An examination that is coming soon
Responding to an NCUA examination
Assessing a letter to you from your Regional Director
Seeking NCUA approval for an action you desire to take
Assessing actions you will take in response to a Document of Resolution
Receiving a Letter of Understanding and Agreement
reach out to see how I may be able to assist.
If you would like to talk about how I can assist you and your team achieve the best possible exam results email me at info@marktreichel.com, or schedule your FREE strategy session by clicking HERE